4 ways to eat wolfberry, help you strengthen muscles and bones, nourish blood and black hair, nourish yin and promote body fluid

As a treasure of the Chinese nation, wolfberry is a well-known tonic, making tea, wine, stewing soup…you must not be unfamiliar. However, you may not know that wolfberry is also very popular abroad.

Wolfberry is the new favorite in the world

“This red fruit that tastes like cranberry comes from China.” As early as 2012, The American media specially used a recipe to introduce wolfberry.

It is mentioned that wolfberry is rich in vitamin C and vitamin E, which can speed up metabolism. Goji berry has become a fashionable and healthy darling in an instant, and it can be seen in fruit salads and summer drinks.

The British “Guardian” recently made a special report on wolfberry, saying that as a traditional Chinese medicine, wolfberry has won high praise from Western gourmets.

The 3,000-year-old “Ice Cane”

As early as 3,000 years ago, the industrious and brave Chinese people discovered wolfberry the benefits of.

“Book of Songs, Xiaoya” has a cloud: “Zhi is in the north of the mountain, and words are harvested from their berries.”

Traditional Chinese medicine classic “Shen Nong’s Materia Medica” records: Lycium barbarum “maintains evil in the five internal organs, quenches thirst in heat, strengthens muscles and bones after long-term wear, light body and not old, and is resistant to cold and heat.”

Ming Dynasty “Materia Medica Tongxuan” pointed out: “Lycium barbarum, invigorating the kidney and nourishing essence, strong water, strong bones, and diabetes, dizziness, low back pain and knee pain are all cured.”

From the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, Lycium barbarum is sweet and flat, and can be used for consumptive energy deficiency, waist and knee pain, dizziness and tinnitus, impotence and nocturnal emission, and internal heat elimination. Thirst, blood deficiency and chlorosis, dizziness, etc.

And modern medical research also shows that in addition to vitamins, carotenoids, amino acids, Lycium barbarum polysaccharide is one of the most important nutritional active components of Lycium barbarum, with a total content of about 3.36%. Lycium barbarum polysaccharide has biological activities such as regulating immune function, anti-tumor and lowering blood pressure.

Due to the outstanding health-preserving effect of wolfberry, Taoists regard it as an elixir, and it is called “immortal staff”. Later, wolfberry was introduced to the Middle East and the West, and was hailed as the “Oriental Herb” by the people there.

The usage of wolfberry is different in four seasons

In spring, people who use computers often get tired easily, so soaking wolfberry in water can nourish yin and bright eye.

Take an appropriate amount of wolfberry, wash it, put it in a cup, brew it with boiling water, soak it in warm water for 10-15 minutes and drink it. Cut the wolfberry in half before soaking, the effect will be better.

In summer, the weather is relatively hot, and you can also use the method of soaking in water to clear the anger.

To bring out the effect of wolfberry, the best way is to decoct. Put the wolfberry in a casserole, add water, bring it to a boil over high heat, and then use low heat to cook for 30 minutes.

In autumn, when the air is dry, take an appropriate amount of wolfberry, wash it, and cook porridge with japonica rice, which has a good effect of nourishing yin and moisturizing dryness.

In winter, it is necessary to resist the cold. It is advisable to soak an appropriate amount of wolfberry in wine and soak it for 7 days before drinking. It is best to use white wine, which can not only enhance the yang qi in the body, but also prevent the yang qi from being too high and getting angry.

Goji berry has 4 good partners

1. Goji berry soup: strengthens tendons and bones

Wolfberry Entering the liver and kidney meridians, it is good at nourishing the liver and kidney. Chinese medicine believes that the liver controls the tendons and the kidneys govern the bones. Long-term use can strengthen the tendons and bones.

“Materia Medica Tongxuan” records: “Lycium barbarum, invigorating the kidney and nourishing essence, strong water, strong bones, and diabetes, dizziness, waist pain and knee pain are all cured.”

When cooking bone soup or turtle soup, put some wolfberry in it, and combine with dogwood, Shudi, Achyranthes huai and other medicinal materials, the effect of strengthening muscles and bones will be better.

2. Lycium barbarum and chrysanthemum tea: benefit yin and improve eyesight

“Ben Cao Jing Shu” records that “the liver opens the orifices in the eyes, and the black water Shenguang belongs to the kidney. The eyes are clear.”

Lycium barbarum, known as the “bright eye”, is good at nourishing the liver and kidney yin deficiency, and has good curative effect on blurred eyes and dim vision.

The combination of Lycium barbarum and “Mingmu medicine” chrysanthemum has better effect. Folks mostly use the two medicines instead of tea, and they can also be used to cook animal livers.

3. Goji Ejiao paste: nourishing blood and black hair

Liver controls blood, kidney stores essence, wolfberry red color enters blood , so it can also be used for dull complexion, premature graying of beard and hair caused by insufficient blood and essence.

Goji berries and black sesame, donkey-hide gelatin, longan, jujube and other products that benefit essence and blood can be taken as a paste, or stewed in chicken soup, mutton soup, etc.

6 grams of Lycium barbarum and 2 jujubes can be soaked together for drinking, which can strengthen the blood-replenishing effect.

4. Hawthorn and wolfberry drink: nourishing yin and promoting body fluid

Legary berry is a berry with abundant juice, which can nourish yin and quench thirst.

The fresh product is best when eaten directly. The dried product is compatible with hawthorn, schisandra, mulberry, jujube seed, green tea, etc., decocted in water, or boiled with pears, apples and other fruits in soup, the effect is the same Also good.

5 tips for choosing high-quality wolfberry

How to choose a good wolfberry? Remember these 5 points.

1, look

Good wolfberry looks dark red, but not too bright, the size is basically uniform and neat, it will not look wet, and there is no blackhead. Generally, Ningxia wolfberry is spindle-shaped, and the ends will have A natural white spot.,

2, the pinch

good wolfberry is not sticky in the hand, and there is no obvious agglomeration. If it feels a bit astringent, it means the quality of the wolfberry Not good.

3, Soaked Lycium barbarum is usually full of particles. After soaking in water, most of Ningxia Lycium barbarum will float to the water surface.

4, Smell

Smoke the wolfberry with sulfur to make it bright in color, and the smoked wolfberry generally smells sour or irritating. The real good wolfberry has no pungent smell and exudes the aroma of the wolfberry itself. Sweet and sour aroma.

5, taste

Ningxia wolfberry tastes sweet but not greasy, with a slightly sour taste, and a slightly astringent and bitter aftertaste.


Although wolfberry is suitable for all ages, it should not be eaten too much. Excessive consumption of wolfberry will cause adverse reactions such as anger, red and swollen eyes.

As a traditional Chinese medicine with the same origin of medicine and food, wolfberry is not suitable for everyone. People with weak spleen and stomach, heat-type constitution, high blood pressure, diarrhea and colds should not take it.

The medicine of wolfberry is not suitable for everyone. The main place of production is in Ningxia. Due to climate and other reasons, the medicinal value of wolfberry produced in Ningxia is high. When choosing wolfberry, you must carefully identify it before you can buy real high-quality wolfberry. Choose authentic Ningxia wolfberry and keep healthy!