30+43! The number of new infections in Inner Mongolia dropped significantly in a single day

From 0 to 24:00 on June 9, 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 45 new confirmed cases. Among them, 15 were imported cases (3 cases in Guangdong, 3 cases in Guangxi, 2 cases in Beijing, 2 cases in Shanghai, 2 cases in Fujian, 1 case in Shanxi, 1 case in Sichuan, and 1 case in Shaanxi), including 3 cases from asymptomatic Infected persons turned into confirmed cases (1 case in Fujian, 1 case in Sichuan, 1 case in Shaanxi); 30 local cases——

15 cases in Inner Mongolia, >7 cases in Beijing, 6 cases in Shanghai, and 2 cases in Liaoning.

Including 2 cases from asymptomatic infection to confirmed cases (1 case in Inner Mongolia and 1 case in Liaoning). No new deaths were reported. 1 new suspected case was added, which is an imported case (in Shanghai).

There were 156 new cured and discharged cases, including 12 imported cases and 144 local cases (103 in Shanghai, 19 in Beijing, 13 in Sichuan, 4 in Tianjin, 2 in Jiangsu, and 1 in Hebei). 1 case, 1 case in Jilin, 1 case in Zhejiang), 10,051 close contacts were released from medical observation, and severe cases decreased by 6 cases compared with the previous day.

There are 194 confirmed cases imported from abroad (no severe cases), and 1 suspected case. A total of 18,849 confirmed cases have been confirmed, 18,655 have been cured and discharged, and no deaths have been reported.

As of 24:00 on June 9, according to reports from 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, there are 795 confirmed cases (including 27 severe cases), and a total of 218,559 cured and discharged cases There were 5,226 deaths, 224,580 confirmed cases, and 1 suspected case. A total of 4,144,662 close contacts have been traced, and 106,051 close contacts are still under medical observation.

31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 106 new asymptomatic infections, including 63 imported cases and 43 local cases——


20 cases in Inner Mongolia, 7 in Liaoning, 7 in Jilin, 5 in Shanghai, 2 in Guangxi, 1 in Beijing, and 1 in Fujian.

548 cases of asymptomatic infection were released from medical observation on the same day, including 33 imported cases and 515 local cases (393 cases in Shanghai, 40 cases in Hebei, 30 cases in Sichuan, 17 cases in Henan, 10 cases in Zhejiang, and 10 cases in Jilin). 8 cases, 6 cases in Beijing, 6 cases in Liaoning, 3 cases in Tianjin, 1 case in Jiangxi, and 1 case in Shandong); 5 cases were confirmed on the same day (3 cases imported from abroad); 3058 cases of asymptomatic infections still under medical observation ( 487 cases imported from abroad).

A total of 3,026,987 confirmed cases have been reported from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Among them, there were 333,117 cases in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (62,691 discharged and 9,390 deaths), 83 in the Macau Special Administrative Region (83 discharged), and 2,693,787 in Taiwan (13,742 discharged and 3,584 deaths).

Inner Mongolia’s number of new local infections yesterday

significantly decreased

June 9th 0 – At 24:00, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region reported 15 new local confirmed cases, including 4 in Chifeng City and 11 in Xilingol League (including 1 case converted from an asymptomatic infection to a confirmed case). 20 cases of local asymptomatic infections (all in Xilingol League).

As of 24:00 on June 9, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has 148 local confirmed cases, including 2 in Tongliao City, 18 in Chifeng City, and 128 in Xilin Gol League. example. 256 local asymptomatic infections, including 4 in Hohhot, 2 in Tongliao, 248 in Xilingol League, and 2 in Ulanqab.

Drawing: Car Club

Beijing Daily (ID: Beijing_Daily) found that since June 2, new cases have appeared in Inner Mongolia. Increase local infections. There has been no local epidemic in Inner Mongolia for a long time before. On June 2, 7 new local infections were reported in Inner Mongolia. In the following 6 days, the number of infected people increased day by day. On June 3 and 4, more than 10 new cases were added in a single day. By June 8, the number of new infections in a single day had reached 130. On June 9, the number of new infections in Inner Mongolia dropped sharply in a single day to 35.

The infected people found in this outbreak in Inner Mongolia are mainly concentrated in Erlianhot, Xilin Gol League. On June 10, the Headquarters for Prevention and Control of Novel Coronavirus Infected Pneumonia in Erenhot City, Inner Mongolia issued an announcement. According to the results of epidemiological investigations by the autonomous region and Ximeng epidemiological investigation expert group, 10 communities including the new frontier inspection community were designated as Sealed and controlled areas, Erenhot’s sealed and controlled areas increased to 94.

Shanghai added local 6+5 yesterday

From 0 to 24:00 on June 9, 2022, Shanghai added There are 6 confirmed cases of local new coronary pneumonia and 5 asymptomatic infections, of which 1 confirmed case and 4 asymptomatic infections were found in isolation and control. 2 new imported confirmed cases and 4 asymptomatic infections were added, all of which were found in closed-loop control.

Confirmed case 1, living in Songjiang District, is a closed-loop isolation control person;

Confirmed case 2—case 5, living in Minhang District;

Confirmed case 6. If you live in Baoshan District and find abnormal results of the new coronavirus nucleic acid test in the screening of risk groups, you will be quarantined and controlled. The results of the CDC review were positive. After consultation with experts at the municipal level, the epidemiological history, clinical symptoms, laboratory tests and imaging examination results were combined, and a confirmed case was diagnosed. (Notified on June 9)

Asymptomatic infection 1, living in Huangpu District;

Asymptomatic infection 2, living in Xuhui District;

Asymptomatic infection 3, asymptomatic infection 4, living in Changning District;

All are closed-loop isolation control personnel, during which the new coronavirus nucleic acid test results are abnormal, and the CDC review results are positive, and the diagnosis is for asymptomatic infections.

Asymptomatic infected person 5, living in Xuhui District, found abnormal results of the nucleic acid test of the new coronavirus in the screening of risk groups, and was quarantined and controlled. The result of the CDC review was positive, and the patient was diagnosed with asymptomatic infection. (Notified on June 9)

Beijing Daily (ID: Beijing_Daily) noted that 6 of the 11 new infections in Shanghai yesterday were non-isolation control personnel.

Beijing Daily (ID: Beijing_Daily) comprehensive intern reporter He Rui, CCTV news client, Shanghai Health and Health Commission, Inner Mongolia Health and Health Commission, previous reports, etc. [Reprint please indicate the source: Beijing Daily WeChat Official Account]