2022 “New age standard for the elderly” announced, after this age can be called “elderly”

When it comes to aging, most people are very resistant to it, but with the increase of age, the function of various organs in the body gradually declines, and the signs of aging are particularly obvious. Not only did white hair grow on the head, wrinkles and stains appeared on the face, and even the figure began to grow fat and deformed.

As the body ages, the immunity of the body is also deteriorating, making it more vulnerable to diseases, such as Three high, osteoporosis, constipation, etc., seriously troubled the daily life of middle-aged and elderly people.

With the development of the economy and the advancement of medical technology, the number of elderly people in my country is increasing, and the population is aging. It is getting more and more serious. When it comes to the elderly, many people think that if they are older than 60, they already belong to the category of the elderly, and they begin to prepare for the elderly life in the future.

Based on past retirement ages, most people are around 60, so it is common As a watershed in the middle-aged and old age, but now there is a new standard for the age division of the elderly, if it exceeds this age, it can be called the elderly.


2022 “New Age Standard for the Elderly” announced, after which age can be called “senior”

There are different opinions on the division of age in my country since ancient times. Folks often use thirty to stand, forty to not be confused, fifty to know the destiny, sixty sixties, seventy years old and rare, eighty, ninety old, one hundred years old. Year of Yi.

In 1982, the Geriatrics Society of the Chinese Medical Association suggested that 60 years old be the standard for dividing old age in my country, but now people’s living standards have Further improvement, medical technology is also constantly improving. According to the changes in the physical and psychological structure of modern people, WHO has made a new division of the age limit:

Below 44 years old For young people;

45~59 years old for middle-aged people;

60~74 years old are young and old;

75~89 years old are old and old;

90+ is very old or long-lived.

This standard takes into account both developed and developing countries, taking into account the trend of increasing human life expectancy and the inevitable result of the increasing level of human health , the WHO standard will gradually replace the current general standard for classifying the elderly in my country and Western countries.


If the elderly get rid of these bad habits, they may encounter longevity unexpectedly

1 , stay up late to sleep

In today’s society, many elderly people like to play with mobile phones and watch TV series before going to bed, until the middle of the night. Sleeping, staying up late for a long period of time can put the body in a state of tension, accelerating stress hormones such as epinephrine and cortisone, which increases blood pressure and increases the risk of heart disease.

Therefore, the elderly must pay attention to developing high-quality sleep habits, create a comfortable and warm sleeping environment, and have a drink before going to bed at night Warm milk or soak your feet with hot water, and install night lights in the room so that the elderly will not bump or fall when they wake up at night.

2. Overworked

Long-term overwork will make the body in a sub-healthy state, cause the body’s immune function to decline, be prone to cold infections and other diseases, and easily induce acute cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, including heart disease, arrhythmia, myocardial infarction and even Sudden death, etc.

Therefore, the elderly must pay attention to rest in peacetime, combine work and rest, and relieve fatigue. It is mainly relieved by sleeping, rest at least 6 to 8 hours a day, and take a hot bath before going to bed to eliminate fatigue.

3. High-fat diet

With the increase of age, the basal metabolic rate of the human body gradually decreases. If you eat high-fat food for a long time, it will lead to obesity, a large amount of fat will accumulate in the body, it will also lead to blood viscosity, induce atherosclerotic plaque in the blood vessel wall, and form thrombus. , leading to hypoxia and ischemia of the body organs, easily induced coronary heart disease.

Therefore, the elderly must pay attention to their diet, develop good eating habits, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and maintain a light diet. Eat less spicy, irritating and greasy food, and eat only seven or eight minutes full at each meal.

4. Grumpy

often Anger is the source of all diseases. Grumpy temper will cause immune cell activity to lower the body’s resistance. Moreover, when you are emotionally impulsive, your breathing will speed up, and your lungs will not get the proper relaxation and rest. And toxins in liver cells increase, increasing the burden on the liver.

Therefore, the elderly must learn to regulate their emotions, maintain an optimistic and positive attitude, cultivate more hobbies and divert their attention. , but also to communicate and exchange more with the outside world to reduce the generation gap.


read Extension – long-lived elderly people may have these facial features

1, three court symmetry< /span>

Too wide atrium indicates poor development of the nervous system, prone to insomnia, dreaminess, mental and psychological diseases, while too wide atrium is prone to cough and nasal congestion , Asthma and other respiratory diseases, if the lower court is too developed, it is easy to suffer from digestive system diseases. People with unbalanced three courts are prone to muscle and joint diseases. Only those with balanced three courts are the healthiest and longest-lived people.

2. Tall cheekbones

The size of the cheekbones reflects the size of the bones to a certain extent. High cheekbones, strong bones, help longevity, less prone to bone and joint diseases in old age. On the contrary, if the cheekbones are flat, there may be developmental defects, which is a sign of life reduction.

3. Big and plump ears

Chinese medicine believes that when the kidneys open to the ears, and the ear is firm, the kidneys are strong, the kidney qi is strong, and the life span is longer. Japanese studies have found that people or families with big ears have longevity and live longer. Large earlobes are also a sign of longevity. Ears grow throughout their lives. Studies have found that centenarians usually have longer earlobes, some exceeding 2 cm.

4. Eyesight

Traditional Chinese medicine attaches great importance to observing the presence or absence of eyes, which mainly refers to observing the expression in the eyes. This is what we often mean when we talk about piercing eyes. Eyes don’t care about size or length. Eyes are bright, clear, and full of energy. Such people tend to live longer. On the contrary, bleak, dull and lackluster is a sign of shortened life.

5. Teeth are strong

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that “the teeth are the bones “The function of the teeth is closely related to the function of the kidneys. Whether the teeth are healthy or not directly reflects the strength of the kidney qi and the abundance of the bone qi. The teeth are neatly arranged, bright, clean and strong, and such a person can live a long life.

6. Longevity with more moles

The latest research from the University of London shows that the number of moles is related to the length of telomeres at the end of chromosomes. The longer the telomeres, the longer the lifespan. People with more than 100 moles have less telomeres than the number of moles. People with more than 25 moles are longer and live six or seven years longer. People with more moles are also less likely to suffer from heart disease, osteoporosis and other diseases than their peers.