185 Methods of Acupuncture and Moxibustion (Essence)

1. First aid for drowning: use the three-inch needle at Huiyin point to point the needle in the direction of the heart, and the water will spray out.

2. Aphrodisiac point: often moxibustion Guanyuan.

3. Bladder Problems: Moderate

4. So gastrointestinal diseases: Zhongwan, Zusanli.

5. Reducing Qi and Relieving Phlegm: Tiantu Point

6. Open up the two veins of Ren and Du: Shuigou Point (Renzhong), no depression and no son.

7. Constipation points: Zhigou, Zhaohai, Tianshu< /p>

8. Hemorrhoids: long and strong, aiming at the oblique thorns in the body, about an inch. Kongsui and Zhibian can be used for moxibustion or acupuncture.

9. Antipyretic point: Dazhui bloodletting or moxibustion.

10. Tonsillitis: Shangyang, Shaoshang bloodletting.

11. First Aid for Stroke: Acupuncture in the middle of the human body, Ten Xuan, Baihui, Yongquan bloodletting.

12. Breast lump: Moxibustion in the early days, very red and swollen: Needle shoulder well, opposite side Zusanli .

13. Among the people: the ditch is flat, it means there is no son, the main thirst is drinking water without limit, water vapor Swollen and epilepsy all over the body, ignorance of superiority and inferiority, nonsense, facial swelling, stroke, acupuncture.

14. Chronic cough and asthma, thyroid mass: Zhongfu Touyunmen, moxibustion at Tanzhong point.

15. Nosebleeds: Tianfu acupoint, left disease and right treatment, right disease left treatment, no stop, Under the white, strengthen the effect.

16. Coughing up blood: Coughing up blood means inflammation, very hot, yellow tongue coating, thirst, The bottom hole is the most. Acute tonsillitis, pharyngitis, acute bronchiectasis and hemoptysis.

17. Sore throat: missing column, sore penis

18. Arrhythmia, lung deficiency, chronic cough: Taiyuan

19. Breast carbuncle (mass): thenar

20. There are three hands In this movement, the first hand cannot be raised flat, the large intestine meridian is problematic; the second hand cannot comb the hair, the Sanjiao meridian; the third hand cannot be placed backwards is the small intestine meridian. Western medicine says that fifty shoulders should be treated on the Hegu, Sanjiao, and Small Intestine Meridians of the large intestine.

21. Rheumatism and joint pain: Three rooms in Toulao Palace, hand can not hold.

22. Acne: Moxibustion Hegu, Quchi

23. Upper Toothache Needle Hegu (Toothache Hegu); Lower Toothache Needle Inner Court, near acupuncture point buccal car.

24. Hand sprain, waist sprain, stiff neck: Hand Sanli p>

25. ​​Long-term shoulder pain: crooked pool, arm cramps.

26. Body Odor: The Shoulder Beard Through the Spring

< p data-track="32">27. Rhinitis, sinusitis, and nasal congestion: Yingxiang penetrates the inside and welcomes the incense, pierces the sky, and moxibustion on the star.

28. Hyperthyroidism: choose the far point and Shaohai, and the near point, use Renying, Zhaohai, and Lie Deficiency and Tiantu are the acupuncture points for the treatment of large necks of the thyroid gland.

30. When the neck is very hard, restless, use Houxi and Shenmai to select acupoints from a distance, and use close acupoints when it is not good. The Tianzhu and Dashu points of the bladder meridian are two acupoints with strong therapeutic effect.

31. Eight major points for stroke: Baihui, Jianpi, Quchi, Fengfu, Renzhong, Yong Spring, etc., when Hegu penetrates Houxi, you can open your hands, and your tongue is strong, but you can’t speak the needle wind house.

32. Facial stroke: facial stroke, crooked mouth, aphasia, etc. . Hegu, Tongziliao, people are positioned in the middle and the pulp.

33. The three acupuncture points of Changgao: body pillar, after moxibustion of Taiyi, slide meat door, appetite is widened, then Moxibustion on the body column, the president’s person is tall and big.

34. Migraine: Sun Transmittance Valley.

35. Rheumatoid Arthritis: When the knee hurts, the crane tops, Two knee eyes, in the shape of a figure of eight, the gallbladder meridian Yanglingquan penetrates the spleen meridian Yinlingquan, using three-inch needles, five acupoints and four needles can treat all knee problems, rheumatism pain, sprain, swelling, etc.

36. Edema, ascites: water, waterway, Yinling Spring, Diji, Sanyinjiao (Sanhuang Point) ).

37. Cold knees: Yinshi Point.

38. Pain relief and anti-inflammatory: Liangqiu point, knee injury, broken, red and swollen, acne, diarrhea, stomachache.

39. Appendicitis: about one inch below Zusanli, the appendix point.

40. Diabetes, Fifty Shoulder Acupuncture: Tiaokou through Chengshan, also specializing in fifty shoulders, the shoulders cannot be lifted up , Frozen shoulder. Tiaokou cures numbness in the feet (patients don’t even know when they step on the stalls). Moxibustion at Xiaoke acupoint, confirmed acupoint. Diabetes thirst and addicted to drinking: between the lines. Diabetes can also penetrate Yangchi to Daling, which is a famous acupoint.

41. Breast enhancement and phlegm: Fenglong Point

42. Acute conjunctivitis: sinking valley through spring.

43. Stomach meridian headache for several years: Acupuncture on the opposite side of Xiexi, deficiency symptoms are treated at the mother point.

44. Swollen face in the morning: Xiangu point.

45. Arterial vascular occlusion: The needle is sharpened, and the well is full under the heart.

46. Prevention of stroke and finger numbness: moxibustion at Zusanli.

47. Insomnia: moxibustion at Sanmao (blood deficiency), Anmian, Xie Shenmen, replenishing slip, Xinyu, Juque.

48. Insects due to spleen deficiency: Dadu, Baichongwo (extraordinary points), one inch under the sea of ​​blood, there are There are worms in the tenderness, and the pain will be fine after acupuncture.

49. Stomach cardiothoracic disease: Gongsun, Neiguan treat any stomach, heart, lung, chest problems , Asthma, cough, lung disease, and cardiac hypertrophy can all be treated with acupuncture, with immediate results.

50. Stomach bloating: Gongsun, diarrhea and diarrhea, the drum is replenished (the needle is lowered and then raised up) .

51. Medial knee pain: new pain in Shangqiu, long-term pain in most cases.

52. Menstrual pain: moxibustion or acupuncture at Sanyinjiao, Xuehai, Guanyuan.

53. Nonstop menstruation: white needles

54. Senile skin pruritus: Xuehai Point (Gynecological point: women with dysmenorrhea, dripping, irregular menstruation).

55. Can’t hold things with hands, can’t make fists, acute waist, neck, chest, back sprain: big Bao acupoint

56. Heart deficiency (pale face): Bu Shaohai (the mother acupoint of the heart meridian), heart (red cheeks, strong heat): the outer pass penetrates the inner pass, and the Shenmen (heart meridian sub-point) is purged

57. The first aid point for heart disease, the heart stops beating: Xiaguanyuan, Juque, Shaofu (hand solution point)

58. Chronic Pain of the Governor Vessel: Houxi, the mother point of the Small Intestine Meridian, long-term problems with shoulders, shoulders, necks, elbows and arms.

59. No sweating: wrist bone (the original point of the small intestine meridian), open four gates: Hegu, Taichong , Quchi, will sweat and diuretic, Mahuang Fuzi Xixin Decoction + Guizhi Decoction

60. Can’t twist Towel (housewife’s hand): used for nursing through the room, nursing acupoint is mainly used to treat unclear vision and eye problems.

61. Zhili Point: Intestinal Pass (abdominal pain, colic)

62. Arms have no strength, skin warts, flat warts: upright.

63. Warts on the body: small sea point, real symptoms of the small intestine meridian

64. After three days of pain in Sangyu, I went down to Xiaohai, and for three months, I went down to Houxi.

65. Select acupoints near shoulder pain, Xiangqiang (neck pain, sun disease Xiangqiang, high blood pressure) item strong, valve insufficiency item strong): shoulder outside Shu.

66. Tinnitus, ear pus, otitis media: ear door (Sanjiao meridian), Tinggong (small intestine meridian), Tinghui (Gallbladder Meridian), Yinfeng (jaw pain, cataract, migraine).

67. Keratitis, red and swollen eyes: Zanzhu, eyebrow tail, pupil liao (temple), ear tip, Bloodletting from four points.

68. Myopia Ophthalmology: Bright, Nursing Point.

69. Strong back pain, sore neck: Tianzhu p>

70. Fractures: the bone will meet the big scorpion, the stomach meridian Qi point Liangqiu.

71. Pus carbuncle on the back: Moxibustion damper. If the neck is stiff, moxibustion can also be used for bedsores.

72. Lupus erythematosus: Xinshu, Feishu, Ganshu.

73. Blood cancer: Du Yu, tenderness of the sixth vertebra.

74. Anemia and blood stasis: the acupuncture points for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. The patient is thirsty, but does not want to drink water, and there is blood stasis in the body.

75. Gallstones, tuberculosis: tenderness of the danshu, sun and moon, tenth vertebra.

76. Biliary colic: Zhongdu. Gallstones have tenderness.

77. Xiaoke acupoint: under the eighth vertebra, the acupoint for diagnosis of diabetes.

78. Pulmonary tuberculosis: moxibustion on Geshu and Ganshu, and eating almonds.

79. Rheumatism, Arthritis: Spleen

< p data-track="84">80. Stomach problems, gastric ulcer, gastric bleeding, gastroptosis, stomach cramps (bloodletting): Back Shu point of the stomach, open one inch below the twelfth vertebra Half, it can be treated with Yu Fu, and then the Wei Shu is pierced. Huixi treatment can also be used, and the Huixuezhongwan of the stomach and the Qi point of the stomach meridian are Liangqiu. Yu Zujia met Xi, and finally Zusanli, cured all stomach problems.

81. Low back pain, genital treatment, red leucorrhea, colitis: upper, second, middle , Xialiao, Bliao point.

82, Shangliao: Acupuncture point; Penile pain: Secondary Liao; Acupuncture, leucorrhea: Middle Liao; high blood pressure, blood in the stool: Xia Liao

83. Gaotong pain: bloodletting at Gaojiu. Moxibustion for hundreds of strong, omnipotent, moxibustion until the mouth is thirsty, dry and chapped, and the chest cavity is very strong, and then moxibustion Guanyuan, to guide the gas down, and then moxibustion Zusanli, into the soles of the feet, the feet heat will not cause cancer, heart disease Sickness, stroke, resurrection from the dead.

84. Roots of tumors and lumps: Pigen acupoint is also an acupoint for diagnosing tumors that have not been cured. root out.

85. Famous acupoints for hemorrhoids: Zhibian, Kexiachangqiang, Kongzui (Qi point of Lung Meridian) , Wenliu (Qie point of the large intestine meridian), Chengfu.

86. Bloodletting and detoxification, leprosy, back pain, tinea 87. Lymphadenopathy (swollen armpit)

): Weiyang

88. Herpes zoster: moxibustion at the beginning and end.

89. Foot weakness, sprain, leg cramp: Chengshan penetrates the needle to the edge of the bone.

90. Injury to the coccyx: newly injured bloodletting from the blue veins of Chengshan Point

91. Feet can not walk, run, weakness: flying

92. Xiangqiang back pain, heel pain, low back and leg pain: Kunlun (pregnant women will have a miscarriage under the needle)

93. Daytime epilepsy: moxibustion Shenmai; nighttime epilepsy: moxibustion Zhaohai

94. Can’t stand for a long time: Kinmen

95. Improper fetal position: Foot orifice Yin

96. Intractable headache (pain in the top of the head, stroke): spring< /p>

97. Concussion: Rangu Bloodletting

< span>98. Diagnosis of kidney stones: there is tenderness around Taixi point.

99. Heel pain: left heel pain, right foot water spring, Liuwei Dihuang Wan span>

100. Kidney Deficiency: Fuliu, Shenshu, Jingmen

101. All laryngeal diseases: Zhaohai, Liequan (sore throat, tonsil inflammation, goiter, pharyngitis), sudden onset of days, and bloodletting.

102. No bowel movement, edema, abdominal distension: moxibustion at Guanyuan, Fuliu (the mother point of the kidney meridian to supplement )

103. Anti-inflammatory, detoxifying and analgesic points below the navel: Zhubin; anti-inflammatory above the navel: Quchi

104. Skin disease, itchy skin: Hegu, Quchi, Tsukubin, Xuehai, Sanyinjiao.

105. Edema disease: kidney disease, lower body edema, dripping urine, water, Tianshu, waterway;

106. Edema of legs and feet: Yinlingquan, Diji, Sanyinjiao; span>

107. Swollen face: Chengqi, Sibai, Juliao

108. Cardiac Pain Relief: Qiemen (Qie Point of the Pericardial Meridian)

109. Special treatment of hand numbness: Jianshi (mother acupoint of the pericardium meridian)

110. Antiemetic and induce vomiting: Neiguan (Pericardial Meridian Point)

111. Heel Pain: Acupuncture at the pain point of Daling (original point) on the opposite side.

112. Passing the Bridge of Life and Death: Children under 14 have high fever and fever, external pass through internal pass, single thorn Do not leave needles.

113. Children are frightened: rubbing the helix (blue veins between the eyebrows); Pull down, and vice versa; the eyeball is on the right, and when rubbing the helix, pull to the right.

114. Three types of back pain: pain in the Du meridian, piercing the back stream; pain in the bladder meridian, in the middle of deficiency syndrome, The actual symptoms are bound to the bones; the back pain is below the fourteen vertebrae, with the pulse position; the upper sternocostal pain is in the Yangwei pulse, acupuncture at the outer pass, and the Linqi point.

115. The arm cannot be raised, the hair cannot be combed, and the food cannot be eaten: Qing Lengyuan< /span>

116. Hyperthyroidism, swollen neck, stiff neck, lymphatic mass: Sanghui, Jianliao, remote acupoints and Shaohai , Nearly select acupoints and employ people to greet, illuminate the sea, list the lack, and eat more kelp and seaweed.

117. Tough neck: You can also use the Houxi and Shenmai acupoints from far away, but if it is not good, use the near ones. Take the Tianzhu and Dashu points of the bladder meridian, two acupoints with strong treatment, Fengchi of the gallbladder meridian, and Fengfu of the Du meridian.

118. Tinnitus, deafness, dislocated jaw, jaw pain, unable to bite: first the opposite side Hegu, then down Close, cheek car, shadow wind.

119. Stomach pain: between the eyebrows, Yintang pain: Zhongwan, Meiling point (Yinlingquan next inch).

120. Migraine: solar transmittance valley, first needle Hegu.

121. Myopia, blurred vision or eye pain, cataract: yangbai through fish waist

122. The wind blows tears: the head is crying, the eyes are out

123. Wind chill, strong neck, stiff neck, blocked nose: wind pool, wind house

124. Relieve the blood stasis in the chest: half a point down the shoulder well, and the opposite side Zusanli, to guide the blood stasis in the chest cavity down

125. General stiff shoulders and sore neck: Houxi, Shenmai, and a little pain, then shoulder well, Zusanli

126. Gallstones, bile blockage: tie the back of the gallbladder, the sun and the moon on the front.

127. Kidney stones, kidney cancer, kidney yang deficiency, yin deficiency, backache, tinnitus, edema: puncture Shenshu, then Zhajingmen, about an inch, cooperate with Mingmen acupoint.

128. Pain at the fifth point of the outer opening of the Du Meridian, a type of low back pain, upper and lower pain is Huatuo clip Back and low back pain: Zusanli + Zulinxi.

129. Diseases with pulses, ophthalmological diseases, hard lumps in women’s breasts, onset by time: foot Weeping (the main and sub-points of the Gallbladder Meridian)

130. Stroke, hemiplegia, sciatica: shoulder bra, Huanjing, bone disease Huanjing pain, the beginning of bone.

131. Numbness of feet and knees, knee weakness, stroke paralysis: Fengshi Sancun Needle, Yinshi span>

132. Whole body tendons, stroke, cramps, inability to bend and stretch the knees, and foot cramps: Five Needles for the Knee, Yanglingquan Touyang Lingquan has the best effect.

133. Gallstone pain: tenderness at the gallstone point, acupuncture, combined with Riyue and Danshu.

134. Running wild, cramping, foot pain: Yangguan p>

135. Rabies: moxibustion with ginger at the bite site and moxibustion at the outer mound at the same time, and the same treatment for snake, black spider, and cat bites.

136. Bone marrow, musculoskeletal disease, lumbar sprain, leukopenia: the bone penetrates Sanyinjiao, the brain is the marrow the sea.

137. Bare ankle sprain: Shangqiu Toqiu Xu, specializing in foot sprain, two large tendons passing under .

138. Acute Foot Sprain: Resolving Points

139. Very dry feet: Diwuhui, effective for breast lumps.

140. Migraine for a long time: the opposite side of Xiaxi (mother acupoint), the deficiency is the supplement.

141. Dropped testicles, prolapsed uterus, sexually transmitted diseases, genital pain, hernia: Dadun (Jing Point, Ben acupoint, uterine prolapseFalling off, rotating testicles, menorrhagia)

142. Liver pain, acute hepatitis, sternocostal pain: Xingjian (Zi acupoints, diarrhea, liver accumulation, chest and ribs pain, yellowing)

143. Open the four checkpoints to determine the pain point: when the whole body is in pain, Hegu (Qi meridian), Taichong (Shu and Yuan points, blood vessels, women leaking, lochia, metrorrhagia, dripping, menstruation, testicular pain, etc.) penile pain, vaginal problems) to diagnose.

144. Liver is full of yang, itchy skin, stasis, accumulation, abdominal fullness and accumulation : Ligou

145. Liver meridian itching, vaginal stiffness, difficulty urinating, vaginal itching: Ququan

146. Liver cirrhosis, liver cancer, systemic jaundice: liver 1, liver 2, liver 3, needle at the pain point , an inch and a half

147. Liver ascites: Liver Sanguan, Liver Pass, Yinling Spring, Diji, Sanyinjiao, moisture, waterway

148. Fertility assistance: moxibustion at Sanyinjiao, Guanyuan, Zhongji, Yinlian separation Ginger moxibustion.

149. Infertility: moxibustion at Shimen, Yinjiao, and acupuncture points, and acupuncture.

150. Swelling of the stomach, carbuncle, ascites, swollen dolphin, swelling: Zhangmen (dirty Huizhangmen and Spleen’s Raising Points)

151. Liver disease (chest and flank pain, pain under ribs, Liver pain, vomiting acid, vomiting acid, typhoid fever entering the blood chamber): Qimen (Ganzhimu acupoint), Ganshu, Zhangmen to replenish soil.

152. Treatment of ruffian (lipoma, mole, suppuration, smoothing of benign ruffian mass): burning needles: Burnt needle timing, lipoma, suppuration. Three-needle method: needles on the upper and both sides, 28-gauge sesame oil is burned for three times. Needle-reporting method (flying-needle air-entraining method): Twist the needle down to the bottom, mention the cortex, and continuously lower the needle in eight directions.

153. Intense pain: diarrhea of ​​the actual disease, the Yin number of the luck method is 6, the inverse qi is diarrhea, After the catharsis is done, keep the needle on the pain point for 20 minutes.

154. Four kinds of pain symptoms: the first level is pain, and the actual symptoms should be diarrhea; the second, pain More acid and less, first purging and then replenishing; third, less pain and more acid, first replenishing and then purging; fourth, acid and numbness, which are the most difficult to treat at this stage, especially numbness, pure tonifying technique, need to be pierced several times Needle.

155. Stomach pain and toothache at the same time: acupuncture for three miles, a flick is a supplement, a shake is a diarrhea.

156. Wushu Point Jing Rongyu Jinghe: Jingzhu’s heart is full, Rongzhu’s body is hot, and Yu’s body is heavy Pain in knots, the meridian controls cough, cold and heat, and is combined with the main adverse qi and diarrhea.

157. Subject-object therapy is also called Yuanluo therapy. , Take the original point on the main meridian, and take the collateral point on the guest.

158. Yu Mu’s treatment specializes in treating all internal diseases, all on the back and on the chest, so the meridians and The internal organs have their own points, and each internal organ has its own points, and using both points and points at the same time is the treatment of “Shu”.

159. Huixi treatment is generally visceral pain, the acupoints used for pain relief, Bahui and Xi points .

160. After coughing for a long time, the lungs are painful, the cough is bloody, the bronchus is coughed up, and there is no lung cancer: The lungs are the internal organs, and the internal organs meet the chapter gate, and then the Qi point below the lungs is the most.

161. Brain atrophy, senile dementia, and something in the brain: brain atrophy, dementia is a deficiency disease, Juegu Point There are tender points; long things are real symptoms, and there is tenderness in the gate of life and the root of the ruffian under the fourteenth vertebra.

162. Brain tumor: Brain tumor is not necessarily painful, the symptoms are shaking, trembling, hanging eyes, The prescription uses the same amount of whole scorpion and centipede, roasted dry powder and placed in the capsule to relieve wind and stop spasm. Acupuncture Baihui, Yongquan, one guide and one guide, the disease qi out of the body.

163. Asthma: Gongsun, Neiguan, Qi will be stagnant, treat lung first, liver, period door , Feishu, and Yunmen. The odd point Dazhui is opened five minutes outside, Dingchuan point, acupuncture or moxibustion can be used.

164. Sleepwalking: Insomnia, Liver Deficiency, Liver Shu, Qimen, Strong Water

165. Dislocation: Dashu, Juegu, Shenshu, Jingmen, Tianying

166. Spine pain: Dachu, Lingtai, Duyu.

167. Coccygeal pain: there should be bloodletting from blue veins every day, and the calf is tender and need to be acupuncture

168. Hemostasis: the method of burdening and cutting, the day should be an inch needle

169. Muscles and bones bulging: acupuncture method, external application of Chuanqiu powder

170. Eye care: look at the green in the distance, rub together the valley, and apply heat to the eyes.

171. Shoulder pain: Houxi (traumatic needle up and down), Shenmai

172. Breast swelling: Daling penetrates to Laogong

173. To clear the milk: the upper giant virtual, the waterway, the edema, the machine.

174. Sanjiao poisoning method: Make a “hee” sound, put your tongue against your teeth, and stretch your hands forward.

175. Sudden heart attack: Gongsun, Neiguan, Tiantu, Juque, Guanyuan, the first Ten vertebrae

176. Dermatology, skin tinea: bloodletting in the center

177. Paralysis: bloodletting with plum blossom needles, bloodletting in the middle.

178. General nosebleeds: Zhongfu, Yunmen, Tianfu, Hegu

179. Separation of Yin and Yang, Building the Bridge of Life and Death: External Passes Through Internal Passes

180. Eliminate bags under the eyes: moxibustion in Pishu, Zusanli and Sanyinjiao. Moisturizing the eyelids, the soil cannot make water, and the water is beneficial

181. Moxibustion to replenish and reduce: fast fire for diarrhea, Slow fire is tonic, do not drink tea or wine

182. Breast enhancement: Guan Yuan, Ganshu, Ying window< /span>

183. More benefits: moxibustion in Dachangshu, Yaoshu, Zhongji, Guanyuan, waterway, water< /span>

184. Sweaty hands and feet: If your palms sweat a lot, the “antiperspirant points” on your hands will The fifth vertebra is five minutes away from the “Hua Tuo Jiaji”, and a straight needle can be used to stop sweating.

185. Three points for dysmenorrhea: Xuehai, Sanyinjiao and Zhongji, so dysmenorrhea can be cured.